About me

About Me Dec 13.jpg
A few years back (I can't exactly remember when) I had the sudden urge to buy a sewing machine. With a basic Brother model I attempted to sew my own clothes, with mixed results. After a while, I realised I should learn the basics properly and enrolled on a beginners dressmaking course in Oxford, where I live. This sent me headlong into a love affair with all things fabric, thread and notions. 

This blog tracks my progress, the successes, failures and everything in between. As repayment to all of the help I have found on the internet from other bloggers, you will find a few tutorials (my "how to" posts) and I hope to add more this year. 

When I'm not sewing (or thinking about it) I spend my time working at Oxford University, sipping tea, watching football or asking my boyfriend when I can get a cat?

I love chatting to other sewing enthusiasts. If you have a question, an idea for a post, would like to work together or just want to say hello, please email me at iwanttobeaturtle@gmail.com or get in touch on Twitter (@iwanttobeturtle)